
I'd love to hear what you think of my mosaics, please leave a comment if you wish.

Comments: 4
  • #4

    Frances Green (Saturday, 30 April 2016 12:50)

    Wow, its lovely! ...makes me want to redo my whole page... Your work is beautiful, Inez, and its beautifully showcased here. I loved reading the texts, too, you always make me smile, with your art and your sense of humour!

  • #3

    Alice Garrett (Friday, 22 April 2016 01:30)

    Your website is awesome.......just as ALL your mosaics are.

  • #2

    Dawn Briskey (Thursday, 21 April 2016 16:15)

    I love your website! It is so much fun to read through and look at. I could stare at some of your mosaics for hours. You are an amazing mosaic artist. It is so much fun to see photos of your mosaics all in one place. Congrats on creating your site!

  • #1

    Tina Shoys (Saturday, 16 April 2016 23:32)

    To sum up my impression of your web site, I recall a southern California surfer slang term, "bitchin'", which translated into English simply means VERY GOOD! I loved your organization, grouping your galleries into like pieces, and your photography is very well done. Overall, I think you've done a bang-up job of presenting yourself and your work. Another surfer slang term from the 1960's, "bodacious", which means excellent, admirable, or attractive.
    In short, I love it!